This paper proposes a particle-in-cell style method, which based on the port-Hamiltonian formulation, to enhance continuity near interfaces when simulating multi-phase flow. We employ the enhanced particle-in-cell method to ensure phase variables bounded and deploy an interpolation method based on vector potential for multiply connected domains. This paper experimentally justifies the enhanced particle-in-cell method and elucidate the importance of divergence-free velocity field.
Nature Communications Engineering volume 3, Article number: 7 (2024) | article
The collective behaviour of swarms, governed by magnetic and hydrodynamic interactions, emerges from the properties of their individual constituents. With combining simulation-guided design and droplet-based microfluidics, we present a versatile, high-throughput technique for fabricating soft microrobots with programmable structural and magnetic anisotropy. Such microrobots consist of iron oxide nanoparticles organized into supra-domain structures and entrapped in a hydrogel matrix that can be elongated independently of its magnetic properties. By applying rotating magnetic fields to resulting swarms, distinct collective behaviours are produced, including gas-like formations, variable crystals, and heterogeneous motions. And I developed the magnetization simulation and analyzed the data.