as a volunteer to guide tours to share the behind-the-scenes techniques in the Olympics.
as a grader in the third question of the theory for fifty-five members from twelve countries.
as a grader in the experiment of eighteen members from four countries.
as a grader of thirty team members from six countries.
as vice president initiated and organized a series of academic activities, such as lab visits and tea parties with senior students.
as a co-chair to host more than twenty speakers and more than a hundred audience.
as a Teaching Assistant with Ningxiao Tao to teach how to proficiently use the tools to do research.
as a Teaching Assistant with Zongjun Yang and Kai Yang.
as a grader in the theory of thirty-eight members from nine countries.
as board member expande it from ten members at the end of 2020, its initial establishment, to over one hundred at present. We have proficiently organized more than ten nonprofit physics competition simulation examinations, engaging participants from over one hundred schools. The number of participants in a single examination has presently stabilized at approximately one thousand individuals.